Every year is a great year to be a part of the Travis Peak Community!
With the goal of bringing our Travis Peak community together, we are planning the following events.
Please email if you have any questions, event suggestions, and/or want to be added to our Evite invitation list.
Church Potluck
The first Sunday of every month beginning 12:15pm at the Travis Peak Church of Christ (7893 Singleton Bend, Marble Falls, TX 78654). Everyone in the Community is welcome to attend.
TPCNW Board Meeting - Advisors and Block Captains
TBD - at the Travis Peak Church of Christ. We will discuss the potential
Community Center site
and the formation of a non-profit Tax-Exempt Corporation.
Breakfast Tacos
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our forth annual “Breakfast Taco Time” for the Travis Peak Community.
It will take place on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at the Church building on the corner of 1431 and Singleton Bend Rd.
Kent Singleton will have things ready around 8:00 AM.
Come and put together the very best breakfast taco you have ever eaten because you made it exactly the way you like it.
Only bring your appetite because Kent will have just about anything you could want on a breakfast taco.
Note: If Kent missed some ingredient you were dreaming of, please let him know and the next time it just may be there.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars (save the date) for the following 2025 Travis Peak Community events.
- Asian - April 12
- Memorial Day Picnic - May 26
- Independence Day - July 4
- Ice Cream - August 23
- Mexican - September 13